Parent's Corner

Parent's Partnership

Research shows that children do better when there is a good parent and teacher relationship. I believe in open and honest communication along with having a mutual respect for one another. Not only will this provide a strong relationship but also the opportunity for your child’s success.   

Parent's Responsibilities

If your child will not attend on a regularly scheduled day please let me know within 24 hours before your child’s scheduled arrival time. All regular fees will be charged for a child who is absent, ill and on vacation.
If a child who is scheduled to arrive at Scribble’s & Giggle’s does not arrive within 30 minutes after the specified time on the written agreement signed by the parent, and I have not been notified in advance of the child’s absence, I will attempt to contact the parent or guardian to determine the child’s whereabouts. All attempts, whether successful or unsuccessful, will be documented.
If a child is expected to arrive at Scribble’s & Giggle’s from someplace other than home (e.g., school, head start, etc.) and does not arrive as scheduled, I will immediately attempt to contact that facility, and the parent if necessary, to determine the child’s whereabouts.

There will be times where Scribbles & Giggles will need to close for provider vacations, personal days, holidays, sick time, and provider professional development. I recommend that all families have a back-up child care plan for these situations. 

At Scribbles & Giggles children are often involved in messy play and it is very possible children will come home with their clothes food stained, paint stained, dirt marked, and sand or wood chipped filled pockets. For this reason I highly recommend that you send your children to childcare in “play clothes” that can get dirty. It is also recommended that an extra set of clothes is kept at Scribbles & Giggles in case of bathroom accidents or drink spills. 

Parents are responsible for supplying diapers, diaper wipes, diaper rash creams, bottles, sunscreen, insect repellant, extra change of clothes, outdoor gear suitable for the weather, and sleep sacks for children under one years old. n.


  • Child Illness / Injuries
  • Medications
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Children who are ill are not to be brought to Scribble’s & Giggle’s. The following are
examples but not limited to of children who are ill:

• A temperature of 100 degrees F. or higher (a child needs to be fever free for a
minimum of 24 hours before returning to daycare, that means the child is fever
free without the aid of Tylenol®, or any other fever reducing substance.) Scribble’s & Giggle’s Family Childcare Policies & Procedures Statement 07/2020
• Child is irritable, continuously crying, or requires more attention than I can
provide without hurting the health, safety or well-being of the other children in
our care
• Frequent scratching of body or scalp, lice, rash, or any other spots that
resemble childhood diseases, including ringworm.
• Vomiting or diarrhea has occurred more than once in the past 24 hours
• A contagious disease such as chicken pox, strep throat or pink eye
• An unidentified rash
• Has not been on a prescribed medication for at least 24 hours or continues to
have symptoms of illness
• Has a constant, thick, colored nasal discharge
• Breathing trouble, hacking cough, loss of voice, swollen glands

I will administer medications under the following conditions. Prescriptive and non- prescriptive medication will only be given to children if parents have completed the authorization form provided. All medicine must be in its original container bearing the label with child's name, dosage and administration directions. I will not exceed the age-related dosage on the label of any medication without a written doctor's
authorization. Parents will be notified immediately of any administration of incorrect medication. Blanket authorizations, such as dispensing pain relievers at my discretion, are not allowed.

To reduce the risk of SIDS I will do the following:
• Children under one year of age:
• Child will be placed to sleep on his or her back in a crib unless the child’s physician
authorizes another position in writing.
• Child will not sleep in a crib or playpen that contains materials such as
sheepskins, pillows, fluffy blankets, bumper pads or stuffed animals.
• Children under two years of age:
• Cribs and playpens shall contain a tight-fitting mattress and any mattress
covering shall fit snugly over the mattress. Waterbeds may not be used. Scribble’s & Giggle’s Family Childcare Policies & Procedures Statement 07/2020
• Sheets or blankets will be tucked tightly under the mattress and shall be kept
away from the child’s mouth and nose.
• If child falls asleep in a swing or car seat, the child will be removed from the
swing or car seat and placed to sleep on his or her back in a crib or pack and

I will follow USDA guidelines when planning our menus. Parents providing their own
children's meals and snacks will be informed verbally of the USDA nutritional
No child will go without nourishment for longer than 3 hours. I will offer the
following meals and snacks to all children in attendance at the times identified in the
daily schedule.
A.M. snack
P.M. snack
If your child has special dietary needs (whether due to a medical condition or
personal choice) or has food allergies, parents must notify the center in writing.
Should a child consume a food or drink that may contain a known allergen to that
child, parents will be notified immediately.


If your child has special dietary needs (whether due to a medical condition or personal choice) or has food allergies, parents must notify the center in writing. Should a child consume a food or drink that may contain a known allergen to that child, parents will be notified immediately.


Am Snack


Pm Snack

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